Usually substitutes have a few of those "crazy days" they don't want to repeat. Well, I certainly had one of those on Friday the 27th! I was subbing for a fourth grade class and we had afternoon field day outside. It was a perfect weather day and we were going from station to station when out of the blue-- literally out of the Blue Sky above me -- came a flying rock-- I didn't know what had hit me but if felt like a baseball bat-- I looked around and saw a kid running-- he said he "accidentally" threw this big rock and I was in the line of fire!! I felt my head and saw that my hand was all bloody so I knew I had been hit!!! Some nice ladies took over the class I was subbing for and then 2 others walked ime into the nurse in Vandergriff School-- The principal asked me if I wanted someone to take me home and that I should report it to the Administration. Well, to make a long story short, I still have my brains intact and I am ok!! And do I want to go back to Vandergriff again? YES!!!!!I still like em!!!!
Sounds like some kind of a chicken little story to me. I hope you are OK.+
Glad you're okay!!
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